Die inzwischen weltberühmten Modelle GPT-3 und GPT-4 kommen sowohl in ChatGPT wie auch in GitHub Copilot zum Einsatz und können auch dazu eingesetzt werden INTERLIS-Modelle zu schreiben. Wir haben getestet, wie weit die Unterstützung bereits reicht:
ChatGPT spricht INTERLIS - Ein Blick in eine KI-assistierte Modellierungs-Session — Geowerkstatt - Software-Entwicklung im GIS Umfeld aus Aarau
Wir sind gespannt auf Eure Meinungen und Ansichten.
Das kommt davon, dass ChatGPT bereits eine erstaunlich gute Vorstellung davon hat, was ein INTERLIS Datenmodell ist :
An INTERLIS data model is a structured representation of geographic data that conforms to the INTERLIS data modeling language. The model defines the structure and content of the data, including the entities, attributes, relationships, and rules that govern how the data is organized and used.
INTERLIS data models are typically used to describe complex geographic features, such as buildings, roads, land parcels, or administrative boundaries. The models can be used to represent both the real-world entities being modeled as well as the technical details of how the data is stored, processed, and exchanged.
INTERLIS data models are defined using a hierarchical structure, with the top-level entity representing the overall concept being modeled (e.g., a city or a region) and lower-level entities representing more specific features within the overall concept (e.g., streets or buildings). Attributes are used to define the properties of each entity, such as its name, location, or size.
In addition to defining the structure of the data, INTERLIS data models also include rules for data validation, transformation, and exchange. These rules can be used to ensure that the data conforms to certain standards or guidelines, or to enforce specific business rules or policies.
Overall, an INTERLIS data model provides a standardized way to represent and exchange geographic data, helping to improve data quality, reduce data duplication, and facilitate data interoperability between different software systems and organizations.
ja, er beeindruckt. Wir haben diese Tage Syntaxprüfungen getestet und unsere ersten Erfahrungen wieder gebloggt: ChatGPT spricht INTERLIS – Erste KI-assistierte Modellprüfungen — Geowerkstatt - Software-Entwicklung im GIS Umfeld aus Aarau